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Tobyclements Newsletter Valued Domain Names

  • 2793 Pine St

    2793 Pine St

    Nulla facilisi. Cras blandit elit sit amet eros sodales, non accumsan neque mollis. Nullam tempor sapien tellus, sit amet posuere ante porta quis. Nunc semper leo diam, vitae imperdiet mauris suscipit et. Maecenas ut neque lectus. Duis et ipsum nec felis elementum pulvi...

  • 1100 Broderick St

    1100 Broderick St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus ...

  • 868 Turk St

    868 Turk St

    Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ac enim elit. Cras at lobortis dui. Nunc consequat erat lacus, a volutpat nisi sodales vitae. Phasellus pharetra at nulla in egestas. Vestibulum sit amet tortor sit amet diam placerat tincidunt sit amet eget lorem. Phasellus posuere posuere fel...

  • 420 Fell St

    420 Fell St

    Sed at vehicula magna, sed vulputate ipsum. Maecenas fringilla, leo et auctor consequat, lacus nulla iaculis eros, at ultrices erat libero quis ante. Praesent in neque est. Cras quis ultricies nisi, vitae laoreet nisi. Nunc a orci at velit sodales mollis ac ac ipsum. Na...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Llll .com Domain investment Strategies and future values of 4

Four letter domain names are very hard to find these days . As you might know literally all combinations of four letter .com generally referred as domains are registered. You can search any combination of 4 letter domains its taken.

1. Four letter are Brandable and easy to sell
2. It is easy to remember
3. LLLL .com domains are ranked higher by search engines

Some websites like ,, 1domainaday ebay store sell these 4 letter domains, there are many sellers and buyers on Sedo too. Personally I buy from ebay because its cheaper and not many domain investors are searching in ebay. So you get good 4 letter domains for less in Auction.

Try to buy pronounceable domains
Min Wholesale: $4800
Double Premiums: $6200
Triple Premium: $12000
Minimum Wholesale: $22
CCCC: $21 ($500)
CCVC: $26 ($600)
CVCC: $27 ($600)
CCVV: $44 ($600)
VCCC: $30 ($750)
VVCC: $32 ($1000)
VCCV: $34 ($1500)
CVVC: $45 ($1800)
VVVC: $75 ($1000)
VCVC: $75 ($4000)
CVVV: $85 ($900)
VVCV: $90 ($1500)
VCVV: $100 ($2000)
VVVV: $250* ($1500)
CVCV: $300 ($9000)

* Insufficient sales data to conclusively provide a minimum valuation.
The letter Y was considered a consonant for the purpose of this price guide. In reality, it can serve as both a consonant or vowel, however this often becomes somewhat subjective and open to bias (eg. sellers will always think their domain is more pronounceable than buyers).
single premium: $25
double premium: $29
triple premium: $35
quad premium: $240
triple letter: $200 ($800)
triple repeat: $350 ($1800)
palindrome: $300 ($1200)
ABAB: $275 ($1000)
AABB: $400 ($1500)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Watch ICANN’s new TLD lottery online

The biggest sweepstakes in the history of ICANN is coming . Do not miss this.

ICANN is going to hold its new TLD lottery “prioritization draw” on December 17 in Los Angeles.

The results are used to determine the order in which the initial evaluation results are released. This will have for sure some correlation to when you can actually get your TLD live on the web, so it’s a big deal.

ICANN is doing four things for the draw to make things smart:

1. It’s at the Hilton LAX. You can literally fly into LAX and make it to the hotel in 15 minutes.

2. You don’t have to be present for the draw to participate. You can buy your tickets as early as December 12 and then go home — you’re entered into the draw when you buy your tickets.

3. The draw will be broadcast live online.

4. You can send a proxy to buy your ticket. If you don’t have one, ICANN will help you find a no-charge proxy.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Why Should You Invest In IDNs?

Jan 17, 2011 11 Comments by

A few good friends started a casual email discussion as to why IDNs are valuable. Spurred on by their thoughtful responses, here are my thoughts on the matter:

Pent-Up Demand Leading to Future Value:
In many countries IDNs will displace Latin domains as the domains of choice since native language domains are preferred. As an example, see .РФ names where in two months since release, over 700,000 Russian IDNs were registered. As another example, see China where long strings of numeric domains were used as a makeshift solution for the lack of Chinese domains. Imagine if you, as an English speaker, had to register domains in Chinese for all these years and then awareness just began to build that English domains are becoming available on both sides of the dot — this is the excitement that many non-English speakers feel towards IDNs. Natives have native language keyboards, mainly read native language newspapers, magazines, and internet content, write native language emails, letters and watch native language movies and T.V. As awareness continues to build that IDNs exist and native language domains are available their adoption will continue to spike.

Cost Effectiveness:
For $500, a startup Israeli company for instance can get a Hebrew domain that is infinitely more memorable than a Latin domain that can be purchased for $500.

Brandable Value:
Many customers could more effectively remember and relate to a brand in one’s native language. Some Asian companies have even branded as “(Japanese name).com” first before realizing that it is possible for them to register the corresponding IDN.

SEO Value / Search Volume:
There is a great deal of search volume for non-Latin terms. Buying an affordable IDN with over 500,000 exact GAKT searches a month is very doable. As the ElliotsBlog/IDNTools contest demonstrated, buying high-search volume handregs is also very possible.

SEO Value / SERP Ranking:
Owning an IDN is a huge competitive advantage SEO-wise, leading to mom-and-pop IDN stores being on the first page of Google for major terms.

Six-Figure IDN Resales:
It wasn’t long ago that IDN buyers were being laughed at for “wasting” low $x,xxx on IDNs. Those investments have paid dividends for domain resellers as just this past year there was a handful of 5-figure and 6-figure IDN sales. Examples include: 日本.com for $100,000 (“Japan” in Japanese) and рф.com for $60,000 (“RF” in Russian) (see IDN Tools Sales Chart for more). This is pretty impressive given that IDN awareness is still in its infancy.

IDN Passive Income:
Many custom made IDN parking platforms now exist like NameDrive and Many affiliate programs also exist for IDNs such as, and among hundreds of others. It has never been easier to monetize your IDNs.

How to Start
It is not easy learning how to register top IDNs, but the thousands of members at IDNForums will be more than happy to show you. If verifying translations is tough for you, we put together the IDN Newsletter which sells domains with certified native translations. And if you are a bargain hunter, check out our IDN Droplist. Feel free to shoot me a question or comment at any time — whether you use one of our services or not — and I’d be glad to try and help.

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