One of the down sides of having a brick and mortar business is you have to come in contact with people. Hundreds of them. Any one of them could be a petri dish of disease. Shaking hands, talking close. Add in an all weekend trade show and I didn’t stand a chance. Throw in 37 miles running and I’m as good as dead. And that’s how I felt yesterday. I apologize to all those that I told off or made cry yesterday when I was in my bad mood. Now on to today’s names. Good mobile wallet name. 7 years old. Also my title around the house. Could pretty much sell anything you want. I almost didn’t even want to share this name as I have nightmares for 3 days after every show of hoarders. Not a huge sport but growing in popularity every year. I think Woody Harrelson kite surfs and if he does it, it’s cool. Lots of ads but doesn’t like it I’m pretty sure they’re all going to be expired I like firstfamily better but still worth a few hundred and more if built out. 15 years old and that alone gives it some value. Dictionary word with no bidders……until now Great name for a flooring company and there are already many companies that share that same thought. Values at $1000 Cool but not sexy. I picture saggy boobs, tats, and leather, like in leather skin. I heard they are adding new lanes on all California streets for people that drive with their dogs in their laps. It allows everyone else to get the hell away from those crazies. I would think a bunch of people in our industry would like this name. Very common, easy to spell words and contains the word deal. Good brand.
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